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This is a sampling of some of the work we created at Qumulo.  It is a culmination of teamwork, creative ingenuity, and dedication from some truly talented people.  

Qumulo Qreative


"Meet Qumulo"

Qumulo Welcome Video

Creative Direction: Alex Alvarado
Production: Trifilm Inc.
Narration: Lindsie Winthrop

Unstructured data is at the heart of our modern existence.  It's in the movies we watch, the technologies that surround us, the services that power our homes, and so many other places that affect our everyday lives.  With our "Meet Qumulo" video, we wanted to showcase the different industries that our file data platform thrives in.  We also wanted to showcase Qumulo Core's UI, giving our customers a glimpse of the platform itself and what they'll get to experience.  

This video was a collaboration between Qumulo and Trifilm Inc.  We were incredibly fortunate to partner with Trifilm on this project.  They were able to understand our vision for the video and their ability to deliver excellence is evident in their work.  I look forward to the opportunity to partner with them again!

Grumpquat - Haqathon21.png

The Grumpquat has been a staple of Qumulo's culture ever since they first opened shop in 2012.  Our irritable kumquat is never satisfied and constantly looking for new ways to improve our product and make the lives of our customers better.  

The concept for this campaign was that life at Qumulo is never dull when you've got The Grumpquat around to help problem solve or get a cup of coffee.  We altered the traditional design of the Grumpquat to a more rendered look.  Making the character more tangible than before, while still maintaining their cartoon-like appearance. 

"Life At Qumulo"
Engineering Recruiting Campaign


We wanted to take a different approach with our announcement of Qumulo's latest cloud offering, Qumulo on Azure as a Service.  In May of 2021, Covid vaccines had already begun their distribution and people were starting to get more comfortable with the idea that we didn't need to wear a mask all the time anymore.  With Qumulo on Azure as a Service, our customers would have more time to get back to life outside of work.   

"A Different Kind of Mask"
Qumulo + Microsoft Azure Campaign Launch


Hi All! I’m Alex Alvarado, Creative Director and Concept Artist!  I work and live out of Seattle, but I was born and raised in El Paso, TX.  Before moving up to Seattle, I lived in Los Angeles and got the chance to work on a number of video games, movies, and TV shows.  

I love drawing, watching movies, drawing, reading, playing games, and DRAWING! Oh man, do I LOVE drawing. Any chance I can get, I can’t wait to be drawing. I count myself incredibly fortunate to have had the chance to work with so many incredible people that have helped me do what I love most and create cool stuff with cool people, everyday.

- Alex!

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™ 2021, Alex Alvarado.

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